Human Rights Papers
In 2013, Sarajevo Open Centre has established a new edition titled Human Rights Papers. This edition, which will feature papers only in English, will present short, focused and/or thematic reports to the international and national audience on the state of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the issue of the development of human rights in the international context.
Proposals to Improve the Suppression of Hate Speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina
National Human Rights Institutions and the Protection of LGBTI rights in the Western Balkans – Experiences, Challenges and Good Practices
Alternative Answers of Civil Society Organizations to the European Commission Questionnaire
Tijela koja nadilaze binarnost: Preporuke za unapređenje pravnog i medicinskog pristupa interspolnim osobama u BiH
Proposal of Amendments to the Labour Law of FBiH
Same-sex partnership – a sleeper in BiH’s EU integration process
BiH Alternative Report 2016: Political criteria
Proposal of measures for the equality of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2017 – 2019.
Finansiranje i osnivanje sigurnih kuća u Federaciji BiH – ka boljim rješenjima
Proposed Amendments to the BIH Law on Prohibition of Discrimination
Model Law on the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BIH