Open Call for participation at School of LGBTI activism
After a series of workshops with the LGBTI community and training for activists held last year, in 2016. Sarajevo Open Centre is starting a School of LGBTI Activism as a one-semester program designed for activists and those who want to get more engaged in the field of promotion and protection of the rights of LGBTI persons in BiH.
The school aims to provide additional information and knowledge on the history of LGBTI movement, touching upon queer theory, but also on very practical aspects of activist work.
Through the school, which will last four months (September – December 2016), we want to empower existing and future LGBTI activists and provide them practical skills for taking action and practicing advocacy – all with the aim of building capacity and LGBTI movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The school will consist of seven theoretical and practical modules. Within each of the modules, participants will have the opportunity to hear and exchange information and experience with lecturers and activists from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.
All adult lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people living in Bosnia and Herzegovina are eligible to apply.
Candidates are expected to have:
- a high level of motivation for school
- readiness for exposure and work on various actions
- willingness to work in a group
The program is designed for a maximum of 25 participants. Deadline for applications is August 15, 2016.
The application – CV and one-page Motivation letter – should be sent to and
Interested persons may obtain further information about the School at
The realization of the School of LGBTI activism financially supports the Swedish Government through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).