Current projects
Somebody said feminism?
Soon we will start working on the B&H edition of a well know collection of papers Somebody said feminism? that will be amended with the new texts from B&H authors. This project will be done in cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Foundation, B&H office.
What is the Gender of Security?
Project in cooperation with EUPM
Project period: spring – summer 2012
Over the last few years, the gender aspects in security matters have enjoyed increased public attention. At the same time gender questions have been often focussed solely on increasing the participation and equality of women in the security services. While this issue remains important, we wish to broaden the debate in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on the correlation of gender and security/security sector reform through publication of original and unpublished essayistic and academic contributions which take the question “What is the Gender of Security?” as their starting point.