Public statement of HRH Zagreb, Belgrade Human Rights House and civil society organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, 10 December

UntitkledPublic statement of HRH Zagreb, Belgrade Human Rights House and civil society organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, 10 December

On the occasion of the International Day of Human Rights, Human Rights House in Zagreb and Belgrade and civil society organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, gathered in the Regional Network for Human Rights, wish to draw attention to the many problems that overshadow this important date. The fact that we share similar problems and unfair divisions in our societies is uniting us. We face daily with human rights violations and discrimination against the growing number of people.

We demand therefore of politicians and responsible institutions in our country to stop dealing only with themselves and their interests. We remind them that their first and only duty is to represent the interests of all the citizens’. Without a change in their behavior there will be no structural changes that ensure effective protection of human rights of every person.

Original statement in B/H/S languages is available here.