Lecture series – Somebody Said Feminism? Theme: Who are the Women in Political Bodies and Whose Interests do They Represent?
On Tuesday, December 10h 2013, SOC will sponsor the fifth lecture in the series “Somebody Said Feminism?” at the faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo, junior year hall, 1st floor. This series focuses on feminist themes, the rights of women, and the theme of the fifth lecture will be: Who are the Women in Political Bodies and Whose Interests do They Represent?. The theme will be taught by professor Jasna Bakšić-Muftić, a professor at the Faculty of Law who through her words will bring us closer to these themes. The lecture starts at 18:00; it’s open to the public and free.
The precise formulation of the question in the title would be: Do women in political bodies represent only women and articulate women’s interest as special interests or they represent overall electoral body and their participation covers the overall interests?
It is only that at first sight an answer to this question can seem to be the easy one.