Invitation for training: Gender diversity and equality in the work of civil society organizations

gender diversityWithin the project Gender Diversity, Sarajevo Open Centre in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, invites you to a training titled Gender diversity and equality of civil society organizations.

This training is intended primarily for civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose primary activity is not gender equality and training is designed in two modules, each two days, which will be held in November 2013th year.

The general goal of this training is to sensitize those civil society organizations whose primary activity is not gender equality, and who could benefit from learning about the importance and methods for inclusion of aspects of gender equality in the work of the organization, both in terms of activities and programs that are targeted at users service organization, and in relation to internal structure and functioning of the organizations themselves.

Participants of this training will have the opportunity to learn more about the concepts of sex, gender, gender equality and gender diversity, as well as methodologies for inclusion of aspects of gender equality at all levels of the organization (gender mainstreaming) during the first two-day training module. During the second two-day module, participants will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with possible ways of identifying and evaluating the needs of men and women through relevant examples from their immediate activities, as well as the formulation of future project ideas and activities. In addition, in the second module, participants will be familiarized with the method to evaluate inclusion of gender aspects in the organizational functioning, with the formulation of the plan for future measures for improving current situation.

Venue: Sarajevo

Dates: The first module – 13th and 14 November
The second module – 28th and 29 November

Application Procedure: Interested parties should submit a completed application form, which is attached to this invitation no later than 10/25/2013 to e-mail: [email protected]

The application form can be downloaded here.

The program of the training can be downloaded here.

*The program is liable to minor modifications by the organizers.