Press conference: Art as a method of mainstreaming LGBT topics

zvonko-291x300Sarajevo Open Centre and Internews invite all journalists to the sixth Info session on LGBT topics, which will take place in Sarajevo on Friday, 11 October 2013, at 11 am in Meeting Point coffee shop. Info session is a part of the project we are implementing in partnership with Internews.

The goal of these info sessions is to provide basic information in relation to the rights and culture of LGBT persons, as well as to introduce correct terminology to the journalists and achieving professional and ethical media reporting. During 8 sessions, journalists will have the opportunity to talk to guests – from the region and BiH – who are dealing with LGBT topics through theory, practice and activism.

The guest of the seventh info session is Zvonimir Dobrović, artistic director of Queer Zagreb festival, a festival that has grown into a Queer Zagreb season this year. In conversation with the journalists, he will talk about the practice and experience of Queer Zagreb, using the artistic platforms (festivals, film screenings, public interventions…)for the purpose of strengthening the awareness of non-heterosexuality, questioning the established social norms that are imposed by the political heritage, patriarchy and religion. Using arts and culture as a way of teaching out of culturally conditioned homophobia, becomes a legitimate activist method of work, but, at the same time, it has a possibility to stay artistically and esthetically relevant.

You are welcome to ask questions and receive answers to your question.

See you on October 11th 2013