New book „“Ženski pokret u Bosni i Hercegovini: Artikulacija jedne kontrakulture” by Dr. Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović coming out this fall

Zlatiborka Popov-Momcinovic Sarajevo Open Centre, Foundation CURE and the Center for the empiric research of religion of BiH, as publishers, have an honor to announce the publication of a new book by Dr. Zlatiborke Popov-Momčinović “Ženski pokret u Bosni i Hercegovini: Artikulacija jedne kontrakulture”(“Women’s movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Articulation of one counter-culture”-the book is to be published only in B/H/S language) this fall. The printing of this book has been enabled by a generous donation of the Open Society Fund BiH. The book promotion date and location will be published afterwards.

The “Ženski pokret u Bosni i Hercegovini: Artikulacija jedne kontrakulture” book with was written with an aim to give an overview of women’s activism in BiH, with a special focus on the after Dayton era.

The value of this book is not only in it’s theoretical elaboration that are being made through different feminist paradigms, but also in the fact that the quantitative-qualitative research on women’s movement in BiH has been conducted. Apart from the previously mentioned topics, the book pays special attention on the importance of the social movements as a collective social actors of the fundamental social changes, overcoming the reductionist view on the civil society and the NGO sector.

Dr. Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović (Born 1975, in Vršac) graduated at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. Since 2005. obtains a position of a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy in Istočno Sarajevo, where she gained her Masters degree on the topic of „Political culture of the transition period“. In 2013. she gained her PhD at the Faculty of Political science of Belgrade. She published more than 40 scientific papers.She received a scholarship as a part of „Policy Fellowship Development Project“, and was engaged with several local and regional researches including „Religion and Pluralism in Education: Comparative Approaches in Western Balkan“, „Reconciliation and Trust Building in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, „Govor mržnje u Bosni i Hercegovini“, „Parlamentarizam u Bosni i Hercegovini“, „Coming out: Zagovaranje i zaštita prava LGBT osoba“. She is a vice-editor of the BiH magazine „Diskursi“. Active member of the civil society. Board member of Foundation CURE. Dr. Popov-Momčinović held numerous public lectures on the topic of feminist movement, feminism, and was engaged as lecturer on the Women’s political Academy and Political Academy for young leaders.