Meeting with Damir Marjanović, Minister of Education in Canton Sarajevo

IMG_7173Representatives of the Sarajevo Open Centre – the Executive Director Saša Gavrić and Programme Coordinators, Jasmina Čaušević and Emina Bošnjak – have met today on 18th of July 2013 with Damirom Marjanovićem, the Minister of Education in Canton Sarajevo. This meeting was held to present the work of Sarajevo Open Centre, about the possibilities of cooperation and support in the field of exchange of the experiences and sensitization of pedagogical and other educational staff in the secondary schools in Canton Sarajevo related to LGBT issues, and about the suggestion of (non)formal education related to different minorieties/underprivileged groups in our society.

The research shows that over 50% young people in BiH think that homosexuality is a disease, and every fifth student thinks that the physical violence is the best way to cure homosexuality. As other underprivileged groups, and not just LGBT persons, are not accepted in BH society, it is important to integrate teaching about marginalized groups and, in that way, educate students how to accept diversity.

The cooperation between ministries of education, secondary schools, pedagogical institutes, and LGBT NGOs is a necessary step towards a more tolerant society. The Minister has stated his support and gave concrete advice on the realization of some of the ideas presented at the meeting. The meeting has ended with concrete suggestion for the next step in this cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Canton Sarajevo and Sarajevo Open Centre.