Billboard and online campaign: Protect women workers!

Our contracts are not being extended! Our maternity benefits are not being paid! When planning family or pregnant, we lose our jobs! During job interviews we are asked questions about our marital status, family planning and pregnancy! We work in inhumane conditions, but it is good that we are still working! To all this we say: Protect women workers! Intensify the inspection of employers in the Federation BiH!

From 8-21 March Sarajevo Open Centre sets a billboard campaign with a symbolic name: Protect women workers! on various locations in Sarajevo, whose focus is on labor and labor relations, the employers’ behaviour towards women workers and on current issues they face related to pregnancy, motherhood or family planning. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of women about their rights, and to encourage the authorities to end the above mentioned practices and start proactive work on solving these issues.

The billboard campaign is realised with the support of the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).