18 cases of hate crime and over 20 cases of hate speech against LGBT people in BiH in 2013

homofobni i transfobni incidenti i zlocini iz mrznje ENGReport Homophobic and transphobic hate crimes and incidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data collected from March to November 2013 is the product of the hate crime monitoring and documentation work of Sarajevo Open Centre (SOC) in the period March 1st to October 31st 2013, during which we documented 18 cases of hate crime, 5 cases of discrimination on the basis of identity and over 20 cases of hate speech on the grounds of sexual orientation and/or gender.

Cases of bias-motivated incidents collected during the period indicated with this report are still too few to allow us to group the information in order to extract any general overview or conclusions about tendencies of growth, characteristics of perpetrators, criminal offence, victims or any other facts surrounding these cases with any certainty. However the data collected has proved itself to be a valuable asset in our further work on encouraging LGBT persons to report hate crimes and developing a relationship of trust between LGBT persons and the police.

This report is available for download in B/C/S and in English.