Tag: LGBT Rights @en

Saff’s journalists violated the Codex for Print and Online Media

Press Council in Bosnia-Herzegovina received 42 complaints and representatives of the civil society organisations to the article „Pederluk među djecom“ (“Faggotry Among Children”), published on November 10, 2013 on saff.ba. The article refers to the “Stand Up” project, dedicated to the prevention of gender based violence, implemented by the „Tuzlanska zajednica“ Foundation. Citizens complainted that … Continued

Press conference: Transexuality in media – Better understanding, professional reporting

Invitation to the journalist to the eighth press conference on LGBT topics Transexuality in media Better understanding, professional reporting November 22 2013, Sarajevo, 1 p.m. Meeting point, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13 Sarajevo Open Centre and Internews invite all journalist to the eighth info session about LGBT topics, which will take place in Sarajevo, on Friday, November … Continued

Tacno.net, Masks are for the Closet – November 20, 2013

Sinoć je u Mostaru u OKC Abraševiću bilo više od 50 ljudi na otvorenju izložbe Maske su za ormar i na projekciji filma o biseksualnosti. Bilo je veselo, emotivno i tražila se stolica više. Sarajevski otvoreni centar i Ambasada Kraljevine Norveške u okviru filmskog ciklusa Sex, Pop and Politics predstavili su američki dokumentarni film o … Continued

Abrašević packed for the movie screening and exhibition last night

More than 50 people came to the opening of the exhibition Maske su za ormar (Masks are for the Closet) and the screening of the movie about bisexuality last night. It was emotional, joyfull, and people were looking for an extra seat. Sarajevo Open Centre and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway presented a … Continued

Guide for Police Officers for the Protection of the Human Rights of LGBT Persons

Vladana Vasić, Edina Sprečaković (2013) Jednaka zaštita za različitost. Priručnik o postupanju u slučaju kršenja ljudskih prava LGBT osoba za policijske djelatnike_ice. Sarajevo: Fondacija CURE, Fondacija Heinrich Boell – Ured u BiH, Sarajevski otvoreni centar. PDF version (B/C/S): Jednaka zaštita za različitost. Priručnik o postupanju u slučaju kršenja ljudskih prava LGBT osoba za policijske djelatnike_ice

BH Dani, November 8, 2013 – Tyranny of the Majority

Piše: Kristina Ljevak Fondacija Heinrich Böll u BiH, u suradnji sa Sarajevskim otvorenim centrom i Fondacijom CURE, započela je projekat pod nazivom Coming out! Zagovaranje i zaštita prava LGBT osoba, za koji je sredstva obezbijedila Evropska unija, kako bi se zaštitila i zagovarala prava jedne od najviše diskriminisanih i nevidljivih grupa u bh. društvu – … Continued

Inclusion of measures for equal opportunities for LGBT persons in health sector in BiH

The Heinrich Böll Foundation, BiH Office, along with partner organisations, is implementing the project Coming out! Advocating promotion and protection of LGBT rights, financed by European Union. As a part of this project, research in the health sector was completed, and the results of this research are published in the fifth sectoral report: Rights of … Continued

Right of LGBT Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Health

Jasmina Čaušević, Lejla Somun-Krupalija, Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović Prava LGBT osoba u Bosni i Hercegovini: Zdravstvo. Sarajevo: Fondacija Heinrich Boell – Ured za BiH, Fondacija CURE, Sarajevski otvoreni centar. PDF verzija: Prava LGBT osoba u BiH: Zdravstvo