Someone Said Feminism? // Panel discussion: Feminism and (In)formal Education

Sarajevo Open center has marked a Gender Equality Week by organizing panel discussion on the topic ‘Feminism and (In)formal Education’, held on the 6th of March 2014, at the Centar za kulturnu i medijsku dekontaminaciju Sarajevo. The discussion was moderated by MA Amila Ždralović, while introductory word has been given by: MA Aida Spahić, MA Nermina Trbonja and Zlatiborka Momlilović – Popov.

Interestingly enough, speakers have focused on personal experiences connecting them to the general situation of feminism and education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They emphasized the need for additional education of teachers in primary and secondary schools, together with the importance of a proper introduction of feminist ideas to universities, as an important step in creating new generations of fighters for gender equality. With a short glance on feminist pedagogy, speakers concluded that the biggest steps forward regarding the fight against patriarchy and ethno-nationalism in our country, can be made on micro levels of individual feminist actions.