Overview of the lectures at the School of Feminism: 17th June 2017

On Tuesday, 17 June 2017 the last lectures and discussions at this year’s Žarana Papić School of Feminism took place. The lecturers this time were sexual violence during the war researcher Gorana Mlinarević and Assistant professor from the Law Faculty, gender and social law researcher. Gorana Mlinarević talked about the cases on which the attendants were easy to conclude what a complex topic the society is dealing with. Amila Ždralović talked about the concept of liberaly organized political system and how social contranct retracts to the topic related to such minorities as LGBTI or sexually offended women.


The realisation of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism is being financially supported by the Swedish Government via the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).