Invitation to the training: Women’s Activism and the rights of LGBT persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Coming out slika projektAs a part of „Coming out! Advocating promotion and protection of LGBT rights“ project, Sarajevo Open Centre, in partnership with Heinrich Böll Foundation, BiH Office and CURE Foundation, invites you to the training Women’s Activism and the rights of LGBT persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Civil society organisation are focused on their scope of work, which is usually narrow, and are not senzitized enough for the problems that LGBT persons – who are beneficiaries of different civil society organisations – face in their everyday life. These problems are manifold – from the invisibility of the LGBT persons in the society and complete marginalisation and stigmatisation to discrimination and different types of violence on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

General goal of this training is to sensitize women’s organisations, as civil society organisations, on the topic of the respect of the rights of LGBT persons in BiH.

Participants of this training will have the opportunity to hear more about the concepts of sex, gender and sexual orientation, sterotypes, prejudice, offensive and politically correct terminology related to the LGBT persons, about coming out as the process of LGBT empowerment, and hear more about the experiences and good practices of inclusion of LGBT topics into the work of women’s organisations in Serbia, from a perspective of an LGBT activist. During the second day, they will have the opportunity to get informed about the human rights of LGBT persons, discrimination and hate crime, and through interactive modules incorporate the approach and the mode of support to the LGBT persons who reach out to them.

This training is targeted for the coordinators and lawyers from women’s organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Venue: Hotel Grand, Sarajevo

Time: September, 2013

How to aplly: Fill out the application form (click on the link below) and send it to e-mail: [email protected], latest on August 22, 2013. The team of Sarajevo Open Centre will be on the collective vacation from August 3 until August 19 – if you need more info, please contact us via telephone number 033 200 073 after August 19.

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