Alternative Answers of Civil Society Organizations to the European Commission Questionnaire

Sarajevo, August 2017.

The document relies on the four-year work of the Initiative, which, through alternative reports since 2013, has provided an overview of BiH’s progress on its path to the EU.

The answers presented here are not comprehensive in terms of answering all questions in the Questionnaire, which was not the goal.

Comprehensive answers should be provided by the state, while civil society organizations wanted to give their perspective and provide answers to questions concerning, first of all, democracy and the rule of law in BiH.

The answers are based on knowledge, analyses and first-hand experiences of civil society organizations acquired in their work. Our goal is to contribute to the official answers and more accurate, balanced and citizen-oriented assessment of issues relevant to BiH’s EU
candidacy status.

It is our firm belief that BiH’s progress towards EU membership needs to be thorough, complemented with real reforms, better governance and strengthening of democratic processes, in order for BiH citizens to truly benefit from the EU accession process. We hope that this document will contribute to achieving this goal.

Complete document can be found on the following LINK