A short guide for journalists published

In the Human Rights edition of Sarajevo Open Centre, a short guide for journalist titled Kratki vodič kroz profesionalno izvještavanje o LGBT temama has been published. The guide is edited by Jasmina Čaušević and Lejla Huremović, and supported by Internews. After the last years’ guide for journalists on professional and ethical reporting on LGBT topics – Izvan četiri zida, we have established that there is a need for publishing a short guide, which would offer answers to FAQs on homosexuality, coming out, pride parade and gender identity. Beside that, journalist are given guildelines for using sensitive language and politically correct terminology, as well as a glosssary of fundamental LGBT terms.

This guide is a result of the last year’s media reporting analysis and its recommendations. The goal of the guide is to offer easy access to information and processing of information related to LGBT context to journalists, leading to more professional and ethical reporting on LGBT topics.

Printed version of Kratki vodič kroz profesionalno izvještavanje o LGBT temama is available in the office of Sarajevo Open Centre, and its PDF version here.