Study on gender equality at the local level

Sarajevo Open Centre and CURE Foundation have began conducting an independent study on gender equality at the local level.

This research will present assessment of gender equality on local level in municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the main objectives are to obtain relatively complete impression of the situation in terms of gender equality and women’s participation in political, economic and social life in local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina; assessment of the extent to which local mechanisms and policies contribute to national policies and objectives in the field of gender equality; assessment of the political, institutional, organizational and human capacities of key government and non-governmental stakeholders for their contribution to the advancement of gender equality, as well as the identification of “cracks” in the local institutional and policy frameworks for gender equality and defining recommendations for priority strategic actions directed towards improving gender equality and increased participation of women in political, economic and socio-cultural life of the community.

The analysis is based on a quantitative methodology and the research began by sending the questionnaires to mayors of all cities and municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the presidents of city/municipal assemblies and Chairmans of city/municipal councils in Bosnia and Herzegovina , as well as to the OSCE mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Office of the Council of Europe in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Agency for Gender Equality, Gender centres of the Federation of BiH and Republika Srpska, Association of Towns and Municipalities of the Federation of BiH and Republika Srpska.

The research results, conclusions that have been reached, together with recommendations for improving the current situation, will be published in January next year.