Book promotions “Women Documented” in Mostar, Bratunac and Banja Luka

poster zabiljezene za druge gradove (Medium)Sarajevo Open Centre, Women’s Forum Bratunac, Form F Mostar and the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka, with partnership support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation – Office in BiH and the Embassy of Switzerland in BiH is organizing the promotion of the book “Women Documented: Women and Public Life in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 20th Century” in Mostar (21st October at the Hotel Bristol, starting at 6 pm), in Bratunac (23rd October in the Public National Library in Bratunac, starting at 6 pm) and Banja Luka (24th October at the Music Hall park Petar Kocic Staklenac starting at 6 pm). In this book, women associations and individual women efforts in past one hundred years and more are placed in expanded social, legal, economic and cultural political contests in Bosnia and Herzegovina.