Coalition ‘Equality’: HDZ model is absolutely unacceptable if it introduce unequal value of the vote!
Coalition ‘Equality’ says to four political parties as well as to coalition of parties that constitute the Council of Ministers, that any model of constitutional reforms which introduce unequal value of the vote of citizens from any part of BiH, is absolutely unacceptable.
According to the completely untransparrent process of negotiations on the implementation of judgment between the leaders of the SDP, SBBBiH, HDZ BiH and HDZ1990, but also the insufficient information so far presented to the public, raise concerns that a new proposal for the HDZ and HDZ1990 present an attempt, through the implementation of the judgment in the case of ‘Sejdic and Finci’ to introduce unequal ‘value voting’ in the Federation, which brings this process backwards at the moment when all agreed deadlines are broken.