Promotion of publication “Parliamentarism in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

ParlamentarizamSarajevo Open Centre, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, organizes promotion of publication “Parliamentarism in Bosnia and Herzegovina” on Monday, February 18th 2013, starting at 12.00h. Promotion is going to be held at the Parliament of Federation of Bosni and Herzegovina , Hamdije Kreševljakovića 3, Sarajevo.

Promotors are:

Judith Illerhues, director of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Izmir Hadžiavdić, Secretary of the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sasa Gavrić, editor of the publication, Sarajevo Open Centre

Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of East Sarajevo

Enis Omerović, Faculty of Law, University of Zenica

Guided by the experience of working on research projects, such as “Introduction to the political system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Selected Aspects “(2009) and “The state, politics and society in BiH – analysis post-Dayton political system” (2011), which aimed to present a general picture of the political system of post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina, the analysis of parliamentarism aims to thoroughly analyze a problem of functioning of parliamentary system in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the state, through the entity to the cantonal and municipal level, with all the problems and idiosyncrasies.

A collection of papers entitled “Parliamentarism in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was published in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the result was a group effort of young Bosnian scientists and scholars, and the continued operation of the Sarajevo Open Centre in interdisciplinary scientific projects aimed at supporting young scientists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the promotion of quality and objective scientific research in the field of social sciences. The book is the result of joint work by 7 authors from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, and contains 10 articles on the theoretical assumptions of needs and ways of organizing the representative bodies of the individual parliamentary structures in B&H, and the structural and procedural issues specific to complex Bosnian parliamentary system. This publication was prepared by Saša Gavrić, executive director of the Sarajevo Open Centre and Damir Banović, Associate Scientist in the Sarajevo Open Centre. Authors of the articles are lawyers: Maja Sahadžić, Goran Marković, Enis Omerović, Aida Kreho and Nedim Kulenović, political scientists Mirna Jusić and Nermina Saračević and sociologist Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović. This project would not have been possible without the support of the strategic decisions of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which has a strong interest in increasing the knowledge of parliamentarism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The promotion will be held in the B/H/S languages.