PUBLICATION: Shadow Report for the 3rd Universal Periodic Review on the state of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In the last four years Bosnia and Herzegovina faced many challenges which had an effect on the protection of human rights of the BiH citizens – numerous irregularities and complaints on the election process during the general and local elections, failure to comply with the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights, freedom of assembly is still seen as a security threat, instead of as a human right, threats and attacks on the journalists and media, the legal framework which guarantees women’s human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina is fragmented and it signifies the lack of harmonization with the international documents, and many more challenges.

Aim of this report is to encourage the UN Human Rights Council and all the member states to apply democratic pressure on the local decision makers, using their recommendations and activities in their embassies in BiH, and to support the efforts of the citizens and the civil society to ensure the respect for the human rights of all BiH citizens.

Publication is the result of BiH Civil Society Initiative for UPR – an informal coalition of twelve civil society organisations from across Bosnia and Herzegovina which act in various fields of promotion and protection of human rights.

Members of the BiH Civil Society Initiative for UPR are: Sarajevo Open Centre, BH Journalists, Civil Rights Defenders, CURE Foundation, Transparency International in BiH, Association „Zemlja Djece u BiH“, CA Why Not, Civil Society Promotion Center, Association „Vaša prava BiH“, TRIAL International, My Right – Empowers People with Dissabilities, and CA for Promotion of Roma Education “Otaharin”.

BHS version available on: Izvještaj u sjeni za 3. ciklus univerzalnog periodičnog pregleda o stanju ljudskih prava u BiH

ENG version available on: Shadow Report for the 3rd Universal Periodic Review on the state of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina