SOC submitted its written contributions to the BiH 2016 Annual Report

delegacija-eu-bihEvery year, the European Commission publishes Country Reports which assess the specific situation in each candidate and potential candidate country with a view to EU integration. Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016 Annual Report will overview the readiness of BiH for future EU membership and of progress made since September 2015. The Report will focus on the fundamentals of the EU Enlargement Strategy: rule of law, public administration reform, economic governance and fundamental rights.

In order to strengthen dialogue and create an opportunity for constructive inputs and feedback, Sarajevo Open Centre sent four written submissions to the BiH 2016 Annual Report, three in the areas of Political Criteria – Human rights and minorities: LGBTI human rights, gender equality, and anti-discrimination, as well as a submission on Political Criteria – Governance, related to the Ombudsman Institution.