Call For LGBT Persons: Participate On Live Library Education In The Training Of Police Officers

We invite all interested lesbians, gay, bisexual, transgender and inter-sex (LGBTI) individuals to apply for participation in a live library education that will be held as part of the training of police officers and officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Sarajevo Canton on 24 and 25 June 2019.

A live library concept is a conversation in which people “read” people instead of books, and it is focused on common interests to present to police officers everyday life in which LGBTI people live in BiH. In the live library, people are like “books” and they share their experiences with others.

“Readers” are encouraged to ask questions freely in order to get an honest answer in return. A live library on this training will be held in the form of a group discussion, it will be moderated, and the moderator will have the role of preventing potentially unfavorable and offensive questions. LGBTI people who participate as “books” on the live library are not obliged to answer questions they do not want. Sarajevo’s open centre in all its trainings includes live libraries because prejudices and stereotypes are best scratched by getting to know each other and the other, and our goal is also to encourage members of the community to participate directly in the changes we are advocating.

In order to participate in live library, the Sarajevo Open Center provides for a certain fee.

If you want to participate s end us your e-mail to [email protected] by 17.06.2019.