Tag: march

Invitation To A Protest March: Violence Is Not Normal, May 13th, Sarajevo

In the last couple of years more and more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons have suffered domestic violence, or have been victims of peer violence. Parents, sisters, brothers and other family members have imprisoned, forced to unwanted treatment, thrown out of home and continuously abused, threatened and attacked them. The schools are also … Continued

Mreža za izgradnju mira, February 27, 2014 – The CURE Foundation: International Women’s Day March

OBILJEŽAVANJE 8. MARTA – MEĐUNARODNOG DANA ŽENA Vrijeme je da žene u Bosni i Hercegovini uživaju punu ravnopravnost u svim segmentima života! Fondacija CURE poziva sve individue, organizacije, formalne /neformalne grupe i medije da zajedno učestvujemo u aktivističkom obilježavanju 8.marta – Međunarodnog dana žena. Početak marša planiran je u subotu 08.03.2014.godine, u 12:00h i kretat … Continued