Tag: international women’s day

Working-class women, then and now – discussion on the occasion of International Women’s Day

The political system and the current social moment, in which the workforce functioned, changed significantly. The working class, unfortunately, is no longer a class, but a nostalgic syntagm, devoid of any power. Is the situation so black and whether there are any places of resistance and hope, we will hear in the discussion: Working-class women, then and now organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in BiH and the Sarajevo Open Centre on the occasion of International Women’s Day, on Thursday, March 7.

How did we mark the International Women’s Day?

Different activities were organized in order to mark International Women’s Day in B&H (street activism, media reports, sessions in Parliaments in cooperation with Committees for Gender Equality and civil society organizations, reading of the play SEVEN…).

Klix.ba, March 3, 2014 – Popov-Momčinović: 8th of March Has Lost It’s Relevancy

U okviru ciklusa “Neko je rekao feminizam?” večeras je dr.sc. Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović održala predavanje o temi “8. mart – Između izgubljene autentičnosti, nepodnošljive banalizacije i političke potencije”. “Dan žena, 8.mart, je praznik koji je izgubio svoju društvenu relevanciju i sveden je na margine društvenih zbivanja”, rekla je u izjavi za Agenciju Fena Popov-Momčinović, koja je … Continued

Mreža za izgradnju mira, February 27, 2014 – The CURE Foundation: International Women’s Day March

OBILJEŽAVANJE 8. MARTA – MEĐUNARODNOG DANA ŽENA Vrijeme je da žene u Bosni i Hercegovini uživaju punu ravnopravnost u svim segmentima života! Fondacija CURE poziva sve individue, organizacije, formalne /neformalne grupe i medije da zajedno učestvujemo u aktivističkom obilježavanju 8.marta – Međunarodnog dana žena. Početak marša planiran je u subotu 08.03.2014.godine, u 12:00h i kretat … Continued