Coming out of the closet! Call for gay coming out and personal stories

baner coming out slikaSarajevo Open Centre invites all gay, bisexual and trans* man to send their personal, coming out or art stories, photographs, drawings or artwork in other visual forms.

Sarajevo Open Centre, as a part of its Human Rights programme, intensively works on the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons. Gay, bisexual and trans* man, as a part of wider LGBT community are discriminated in different was in the heteronormative society. On the other hand, in the LGBT community itself, certain groups of men are faced with prejudice. Bisexuality is often considered to be a phase to homosexuality and the LGBT community lacks knowledge on transgender, transexual and transvestite issues.

Gay, bisexual and trans* man are often visible in BH society in the context of violence and discrimination. Sarajevo Open Centre wants to make the specificity of each of these groups of men visible thus empowering them and offering them the space to tell their stories about identities, difference, acceptance or disapproval; stories about inner worlds, fantasies, desire, fears, shame, passion, freedom, caution, courage, and finally – coming out.

Stories and artwork will be published in a book that will also include interviews with gay, bisexual and trans* man and couples. This publication, which follows Više od etikete – o ženama koje vole žene in idea and form, will be a contribution to increasing the availability of authentic literature in Bosnia and Herzegovina, dealing with life and problems of non-heterosexual men.

Who can participate?
This call is open for all gay, bisexual and trans* man who live in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We especially encourage persons from small BH towns and communities to send us their stories.

How can I participate?

Sens us your story on one of the aforementioned topics. Official criteria: between 4000 and 8000 characters, font 12pt Times New Roman, no margins and no indentations, BCS language.
Besides stories, you can send your photographs, drawings, poems, and everything else you think can be a part of the publication that witnesses about the life of gay, bisexual and trans* man in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is no fee for the published articles.

You can sign your artwork whichever way you like – you can use your real name, invent a name, use initials, symbols, and you can also send your story anonymously. The choice is yours.

How can I apply?

Send your stories and other work until August 1st 2013 to e-mail [email protected]. You can also send all your other questions to this e-mail address.