Coalition “Equality” expects that the Assembly will adopted amendments to the Constitution of the Canton

A Coalition of civil society organizations “Equality” invites all delegates in the Sarajevo Canton Assembly to unanimously adopt proposed amendments to the Constitution submitted by the Government of Sarajevo Canton, aimed at harmonizing the Constitution of the Sarajevo Canton with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms .

This proposal fully equalizes the rights of constituent peoples with the rights of all those who do not identify themselves like that. We call, therefore, all the ministers in the Cantonal Assembly to vote for anti-discrimination changes in B&H, which are the only way to get our country to join a truly democratic society.

If Sarajevo Canton Assembly on Thursday adopts a proposal of Cantonal Government, it would be a historic moment for the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will, for the first time since independence, have a Constitution that is not discriminatory and that reflects the true democratic values of respect for human rights and equality of all citizens.

We hope that the ministers of Canton Assembly are aware of how important is their decision, not only for the Canton Sarajevo, but also for the B&H society. All those who would possibly be against this decision, are sending a message to the citizens of B&H that, for them and their parties, institutionalized discrimination remains acceptable model for the functioning of our society.

Members of the Coalition against constitutional discrimination “Equality” are:

Why not?
Civic Front of Others
Youth Movement Revolt
Sharp Zero
Sarajevo Open Centre
Youth Initiative for Human Rights
Center for the promotion of civic interest
Foundation for Creative Development
Foundation “Team”
The European Research Center

Coalition Against the constitutional discrimination “Equality” was founded in December 201, with the aim to bring together civil society organizations, formal and informal groups and individuals and other individuals who want to joint efforts to work towards the elimination of all constitutional discrimination in B&H based on ethnic grounds.