Annual reports on the state of women and LGBT human rights in BiH in 2013

Sarajevo Open Centre has published two annual reports on the state of women and LGBT human rights in BiH in 2013.
pink report 2013 naslovnaPink Report: Annual Report on the State of Human Rights of LGBT people in BiH in 2013. This report describes the human rights violations against LGBT people in our country during last year, analysis the trends (being positive or negative) and sets direct recommendations to BiH institutions that have competences over the human rights situation of all citizens, regardless their sexual orientation and gender identity.
Experiences of homophobia and transphobia remain very common in BiH with limited or no action taken by authorities to address such discrimination, harassment and violence. Violations of the human rights of LGBT persons in BIH represent a much wider spectrum of individual cases of discrimination or violence, and points to institutional and legislative neglect, disregard of the needs and rights of LGBT persons and the unwillingness of state institutions to implement the laws of BiH.
Annual Report on the State of Women’s Rights in BiH in 2013. This report, currently available only in English, analysis the state of women’s rights in BiH during last year, with an special focus on the situation on the education field, the economic participation of women, minority women, the annual report womens rights 2013political participation of women, domestic violence, wartime sexual violence and human trafficking. The report also sets recommendation to address the urgent situation in order to improve the state of Women’s rights in BiH. The author of the report is Esther Garcia Fransioli and it was done in cooperation with the CURE Foundation and Prava za sve (Rights for all).

There is a serious problem of gender based inequalities and discrimination in women’s access to the labour market, in parental rights and in public and political sphere women are still underrepresented. Violence against women and girls continues to be alarmant.

Finally, if you would like a hard copy of those reports or if you need further information do not hesitate to contact us.